Want to Make Money Online? An Online School is Where You Go to Learn

When I first got into Internet Marketing I thought the business was populated with geniuses. I thought these marketers had far more moxie, know how, and work ethic than I did. I also figured that they knew something that I didn’t know, and worse, something I couldn’t know!Of course, that turned out to be correct.I didn’t know how to find out what they knew. I didn’t know what I didn’t know.Newcomers to Internet Marketing (IM) have all kinds of ideas, some of them goofy, some of them about right but, the fact is, newcomers don’t know much.The folks who are making good money selling info-products online are very well schooled in skills newcomers know nothing about. They can make it work for them, we can’t. What’s so unusual about that? Nothing, really.I know a guy who can replace my water pump in two hours. I couldn’t do it in two days! Is he smarter than me? Maybe, maybe not, but one thing is for sure. He’s done it before. Many times. How many times have I done it? Zero.I’m going to say something that may be too obvious, but, IM is not brain surgery. It’s a LOT easier. You only need two things to succeed at making money online. You have to want it (motivation) and you need to know how (skills). Motivation you have to give yourself. Go for it! Be all you can be.These skills you’ll have to learn. They are practically priceless. These are skills that translate directly into money! And you can get the “knowhow” for way under $100. That includes hosted websites in YOUR name and an entire curriculum laid out for you to study. You can’t lose, you can only win.I knew very little about IM when I started at one of the online schools.Four months later I had built a website business of my own that had traffic AND I was building a list! I wasn’t making any money at first but it started to grow. You can do this too! Go learn how.Enroll in an online school. Follow and learn the lessons! Do your homework. Then apply your new skills and make money online. You can do it! It’s even fun! Especially when the money comes in.

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